

Web Apps and Landing Pages

Whether you need a simple landing page for your product or portfolio, or a full-stack website, I can help present your work to an online audience!

As a developer, I can create your dream website using a CMS tool like WordPress or Squarespace, or I can code it up using HTML, Javascript.

I have substantial experience using advanced Javascript libraries and frameworks like React, Nextjs and or others to ensure that your website's codebase is based on the bleeding edge of web technologies!

Data Analysis

Most of my professional career has been spend doing data analysis.

My experience with data visualization tools, like Tableau, combined with my passion for programming in R/Python makes me an especially useful partner for deriving insights from your data.

I have professional experience pre-processing data using R and Python, and visualizing data using Tableau, Python or R (base or ggplot library)

Whether it is ETL, data exploration visualization, or analysis, I have the expertise to create dashboards, reports or other assets to help you understand your own data.

General Technologist

I love technology! Whatever solution you need—whether that by a small script, an ad hoc analysis, or a full web app—I am always up to the challenge to find a solution.

I have experience using different platforms to deploy my projects and ensure a sensible, efficient develop/deployment pipeline.

Databases and Version Control
